Using PowerBI Tile inside PowerApps

In today’s work environment importance of Power Platform has increased rapidly. It is very important to know how can we make use of these applications and integrate with each other. PowerApps and Power BI are pretty awesome tools by themselves. By combining them, we can potentially, achieve a lot more. Let’s see how to embed PowerBI tiles inside PowerApps.

Let’s look at the steps required to add Power BI tiles in Power Apps.

  • In PowerApps click on Insert tab. Click on Charts and then select Power BI tile from the list.
  • A Power BI tile will get inserted (refer below image).
  • In Data popup, select the Workspace from the dropdown in which the required dashboard is present. Then select desired Dashboard and then select the Tile of the dashboard which we want to display on our PowerApps (refer below imge).
  • Adjust the size and position of visual as per your requirement. Similarly, we can add multiple Power BI dashboard’s tiles on a PowerApps.
  • Save and Publish the PowerApps.

Some points to be noted

  • With the app, you also need to share the dashboard to make the tile visible. Otherwise the user will see an error.
  • Don’t put more than three tiles in the app. This can effect the performance of the system.
  • You can pass parameters from the app to the tile using its TileURL property to filter results.

To pass parameters you will have to modify the TileURL property which will have below URL.



“<DashboardID>&tileId=<TileID>&config=<SomeHash>&$filter=<TableName>/<ColumnName> eq ‘<Value>’”

As you can see, we’ve added the $filter parameter into the URL to filter the data.

However, there are some limitations for filters.

  • Only one filter can be applied at a time
  • Only “eq” operator can be used
  • Field type has to be string

I hope this will help you!!

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